Thursday, July 5, 2007


First of all, let us figure out what exactly is mental math.
Today if you search the phrase "mental math" you will probably
end up with millions of options. Not exactly that makes your life easy;
instead it builds up and strengthens your curiosity.

Put in simplest terms, mental math can be defined
as calculations performed in your head - mentally - without
help of any external device be it as simple as pen and paper
or any modern day device such as calculator, computer or
any other electronic gadget.

We humans perform mental mathematical calculations everyday,
consciously and unconsciously. When you are driving you figure out
when to apply brakes to bring the vehicle to stop before hitting something.
You figure out time difference between east coast and west coast.
But where we falter is at the simplest and most mundane of calculations.
Go to a restaurant and figure out 18% gratuity.

Abacus Mental Mathematics

What is abacus mental mathematics?

Origin of Abacus is highly disputed today,
some say it originated in Mesopotamia and some claim to be in China.
Over centuries, abacus has evolved in to various different forms and sizes.

The most commonly used is the Japanese Soroban Abacus.
The Soroban Abacus consists of one upper row and four lower
rows and columns vary from thirteen, fifteen, seventeen or twenty one.

It is claimed and proven by many researchers in Asia that
Abacus stimulates whole brain development.

When children use both hands to move the abacus beads to perform
arithmetic calculations, there is quick communication between the
hands and the brain that stimulates both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

This promotes rapid, balanced whole brain development.If a child
starts learning the abacus before being taught traditional arithmetic,
there is minimal conflict and the child will easily work within both systems.

If a child starts the program later, having already received traditional
foundations, there may be a slightly extended learning period for the
child to accept and integrate the abacus method.

Vedic Mental Mathematics

What is Vedic mental mathematics?

Origin of Vedic Mathematics is in Atharva Veda (Holy Scripture from Hinduism).
Vedic mathematics is a system based on sixteen sutras (aphorisms)
which are actually word-formulae describing natural ways of solving
a whole range of mathematical problems.

These formulae describe the way the mind naturally works
and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the
appropriate method of solution.

It is claimed and proven by many researchers in Asia that
practice and use of Vedic mathematics helps the person in
many different aspects of decision making.

From intelligent guessing to thinking outside the box ability. Vedic mathematics has its applications to much advanced mathematics, such as calculus and linear algebra.

The sixteen sutras are:

By one more than the one before.
All from 9 and the last from 10.
Vertically and Cross-Wise
Transpose and Apply
The summation if equal to Zero
If One is in Ratio the Other is Zero
By Addition and by Subtraction
By the Completion or Non-Completion
Sequential Motion
The Deficiency
Whole as One and One as Whole
The Remainders by the Last Digit
The Ultimate and Twice the Penultimate
By One Less than the Previous One
The Whole Product is the same
Collectivity of multipliers

Today, both these methods have made a come back in Asia.
Abacus Mental Math method is extremely popular in nations
of China, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Korea and India whereas
Vedic Mental Math method is extremely popular only in India.
Source - Shilpa Rao

1 comment:

Suma said...

Hi, I really appreciate you for giving such a perfect blog with the origin of Abacus.. I surely agree with you that Abacus helps a child in balancing the brain proportionately and having quick and fast attitude towards any math work..

suma valluru